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Male Pattern Baldness in Young Men: Causes and Solutions

Written by


Medically approved by

Maria Jacob

Last updated

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Read in 30s

  • Male pattern baldness, medically known as androgenetic alopecia, affects a significant percentage of men, becoming more prevalent with age. 
  • Despite its gradual onset and emotional toll, numerous management options exist. 
  • Many solutions cater to diverse needs, from simple lifestyle adjustments to FDA-approved medications like minoxidil and finasteride and advanced interventions like hair transplants.
  • Additionally, embracing supportive measures like counseling and dermatological expertise ensures comprehensive care. 


Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common type of hair loss in men, impacting up to 50% by age 50. This condition typically begins in the teenage years and worsens over time. Balding can lead to a variety of emotional and social challenges, including depression, body image issues, and low self-esteem.

Fortunately, numerous options are available for mens balding treatment, ranging from simple lifestyle adjustments to FDA-approved medications and professional interventions. 

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best treatment for male pattern baldness can differ among individuals.

What is male pattern baldness?

"Pattern baldness," as the name suggests, refers to the gradual and predictable occurrence of baldness characterized by a distinct pattern. The primary indicator is the presence of thinning hair on top of head. Notably, hair texture and color changes may occur, with hair becoming finer and lighter. 

 The process typically initiates with a receding hairline at the temples, progressing to thinning on the crown, eventually resulting in an expanded area where the two regions meet. Over time, a distinctive horseshoe-shaped or U-shaped hair pattern emerges along the sides and back of the head. In certain instances, the entire scalp may undergo baldness. Hence, it is crucial to pursue male pattern baldness treatment during its early stages.

What causes male pattern baldness?

Hair grows naturally from tiny capsules beneath the skin, known as follicles. Each follicle accommodates a single hair strand. The hair follicle undergoes a cycle of growth, rest, and shedding. Typically, each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, enters a resting phase for several months, and then falls out. The cycle restarts as the follicle initiates the growth of a new hair.

Hormones like androgens are crucial in regulating this cycle. In baldness, androgens such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone, are excessively stimulated. Individuals with genetic variations or mutations exhibit heightened sensitivity to DHT. This excessive DHT activity leads to the miniaturization or shrinking of affected hair follicles, resulting in progressively shorter and finer hair. Eventually, these miniaturized follicles cease to produce any hair.

Over time, the growth cycle becomes so abbreviated that new hairs cannot replace the shed ones, causing noticeable thinning and eventual hair loss.

It's important to note that both genes and hormones play pivotal roles in male hair loss. 

Therefore,  it is less likely to prevent male pattern baldness. If baldness is prevalent among parents or close relatives, especially on both sides of the family, there is a likelihood of being genetically predisposed. Understanding these factors provides insights into managing and addressing concerns related to hair health.

Techniques to address hair loss

Male balding currently has no cure. However, several lifestyle changes and treatments can help slow down or conceal hair loss.


Keeping hair short creates a uniform look, minimizing the contrast between thinning and thicker areas. A well-styled comb-over can cover a receding hairline by growing hair slightly longer on one side and combing it over the balding area. 

 The right hairstyle depends on personal preferences, hair type, and the degree of hair loss. A skilled barber or hairstylist can help find a look that boosts comfort and confidence.

Wigs or hairpieces

Wigs and hairpieces provide a popular and effective solution for men experiencing significant hair loss. They are available in various styles, colors, and materials to cater to individual preferences. Wigs and hairpieces work like hair accessories. They can be put on and taken off quickly. They help change one's appearance or for those experiencing hair loss.

 A professional stylist can assist in selecting the correct wig or hairpiece. Additionally, they can provide guidance on proper application and styling techniques.


Weaves present a popular and versatile method for hair extensions to add fullness and length to the hair. Crafted from either natural or synthetic hair, they are affixed using diverse techniques like sewing, bonding, and fusion. Weaves enable the creation of various styles, spanning from short and natural to long and voluminous. It is recommended to undergo weave removal and reinstallation every 6-8 weeks for optimal maintenance and a refreshed appearance.


Counseling, a form of support and guidance, is a valuable resource for men contending with the emotional toll of hair loss. The impact of losing hair can trigger anxiety, depression, and a decline in self-esteem. Engaging in counseling becomes a means for men to navigate and manage these emotions. This therapeutic approach provides a secure and supportive environment for men to discuss their sentiments regarding hair loss openly.

FDA-approved medications for male pattern hair loss

While the options mentioned above are excellent for managing hair loss, specific medications are available that aim to address the condition's root cause.

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Rogaine, which contains minoxidil as its active ingredient, is a non-prescription topical solution designed to address scalp hair loss. For many years, it has been a common male baldness treatment.

 Minoxidil functions by widening blood vessels on the scalp, thereby amplifying blood flow to hair follicles. This heightened blood supply is believed to improve the delivery of nutrients and oxygen, fostering hair growth. Additionally, minoxidil may extend the hair growth phase, stimulate growth factors, and act as a hair follicle dilator. The overall impact includes enhanced blood circulation, prolonged growth phases, and potential enlargement of follicular size.

 Research demonstrates that a 5% minoxidil solution can notably increase hair growth on the crown and frontal areas within nine months, resulting in strengthened hair for 37% of users with no significant side effects.

 Notably, visible benefits necessitate four months of regular use, and continuous application is vital for sustaining hair growth. This underscores the significance of consistent use to optimize results, recognizing the variability in individual responses to minoxidil.

Minoxidil is generally considered safe, but some people may experience side effects such as scalp irritation, dryness, or redness. It's crucial to acknowledge that individual responses to minoxidil vary, and while it proves effective for some, it may not yield consistent results for everyone.

Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar)

Propecia and Proscar are prescription oral medications with finasteride as their active ingredient. Specifically designed to reverse male pattern baldness, these medications are formulated as 1 mg tablets, available exclusively by prescription.

 Functioning as a competitive inhibitor, finasteride hinders the DHT conversion to prevent excessive stimulation and follicle shrinkage. It is notably effective in treating hair loss on the crown and mid-scalp areas.

 Research findings indicate a substantial reduction of up to 90% in prostatic DHT levels and 70% in serum DHT levels with finasteride. Interestingly, increasing the dosage does not necessarily yield a proportional increase in serum reduction. Studies further demonstrate the efficacy of finasteride, showcasing its ability to significantly slow down hair loss in approximately 80% to 90% of male users. 

 Finasteride is typically well-tolerated, but side effects may involve a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, and a reduction in ejaculate volume. It's important to note that while finasteride mitigates hair loss, it doesn't completely stop DHT. Despite this, finasteride remains a valuable and widely utilized option for individuals seeking a professional solution to stop male pattern baldness.

Hair transplants

Hair transplants are advanced surgical procedures designed to address hair loss by relocating follicles from donor areas (typically the back and sides of the head) to areas experiencing baldness. 

This minimally invasive process includes two primary techniques:

1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This method involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, dissecting it into individual follicular units, and transplanting them to the recipient area.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Individual follicular units are directly extracted from the donor area using a micro punch and then transplanted to the recipient area.

Typically recommended for men with significant hair loss who may not be suitable candidates for other treatments, hair transplants are highly effective in restoring hair growth to balding scalp areas. 

However, realistic expectations are crucial, as transplants won't restore hair to its original thickness but aim to provide a more natural appearance.

How a dermatologist can help with hair loss

Dermatologists, as specialized medical professionals, possess expertise in diagnosing and treating diverse skin and hair conditions, including hair loss. They skillfully identify specific causes through comprehensive examinations and medical history reviews. Once a diagnosis is established, dermatologists craft personalized male pattern hair loss treatment plans, incorporating medications or surgery as needed. 

 Going beyond medical interventions, they provide valuable guidance on effective hair care practices, emphasizing proper shampooing, conditioning, and product selection. Additionally, dermatologists address lifestyle factors like stress and diet, offering recommendations to optimize hair growth through necessary adjustments. This holistic and comprehensive approach ensures tailored care for individuals finding male pattern baldness cure.

To sum it up,

Male pattern baldness, a widespread issue affecting countless men globally, necessitates a multifaceted strategy for management. Embracing a proactive stance toward well-being and consulting with professionals enables effective male pattern baldness treatment, ultimately restoring confidence in one's appearance. 

The best male baldness treatment can vary from person to person. It's essential to recognize that the journey is collective, with practical solutions available to assist individuals in achieving their hair-related aspirations.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What is male pattern baldness?

It is a common type of hair loss in men. It typically starts in the teenage years and progresses over time, leading to hair thinning and specific pattern baldness, such as a receding hairline and a horseshoe-shaped hair pattern.

2. What causes male pattern baldness?

 Male pattern baldness is influenced by genetic factors and hormones, particularly androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Genetic predisposition and heightened sensitivity to DHT lead to the miniaturization of hair follicles, resulting in thinner and finer hair until the follicles cease to produce hair altogether.

3. Are there permanent cures for male pattern baldness?

Currently, there is no permanent cure for male pattern baldness. However, various lifestyle changes and treatments are available to slow down or conceal hair loss.

4. What lifestyle changes can help manage hair loss?

Keeping hair short, styling techniques, wearing wigs or hairpieces, and undergoing weaves are among the lifestyle changes that can help manage the appearance of hair loss.

5. Are there FDA-approved medications for male pattern hair loss?

Yes, FDA-approved medications like Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) stimulate blood flow to hair follicles and inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT, respectively.

6. How effective is Minoxidil (Rogaine)?

Minoxidil has effectively increased hair growth, particularly in the crown and frontal areas. However, individual responses vary; consistent use is crucial for sustained results.

7. What is the role of Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) in hair loss management?

Finasteride is a prescription medication that inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT, slowing down hair loss in approximately 80% to 90% of male users. 

8. What are hair transplants, and how effective are they?

Hair transplants involve relocating hair follicles from donor areas to areas experiencing baldness. While highly effective, it's essential to have realistic expectations as transplants aim to provide a more natural appearance rather than restoring original thickness.




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