Weight loss

Transform your body,
transform your life.

Lose up to 15% of body weight with our goal driven program that combines the power of GLP-1 medication, devices and personal coaching

Get Started

Statistics and symptoms

Lose Weight Safely and Effectively

Increased Body Fat

Fat typically accumulates in various parts of the body, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and neck.

Changes In Mood

Increase in weight can affect your self-esteem and confidence, leading to mood changes such as anxiety, depression, or irritability.

Increased Health Risks

Weight gain can increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and joint pain.

Increased Appetite

Unstable blood sugar levels may increase appetite, which may lead to further weight gain.

Changes In Body Composition

Weight gain can alter the balance of muscle, bone, and fat in the body.

Decreased Energy Levels

Weight gain restricts physical activity which can contribute to further weight gain.

CGM Device

The Science: A CGM device helps with weight loss by monitoring blood sugar response to different foods and exercises.

ResultsReal time data that can help optimize glucose control and promote weight loss

UsageDevice is worn on upper arm, abdomen, or thigh, and is held in place with an adhesive patch.

Why Our Weight Loss Program?

GLP-1 Medications

Formulated GLP1 medication is a cost-effective alternative to commercially available drugs, which are often not covered by insurance. It has the same active ingredients and therapeutic effects, but at a lower price. Clinically proven to reduce cravings, increase feelings of fullness, and improve your body's ability to process sugars efficiently.

Metabolic Test

Metabolic blood work is a set of blood tests that can provide important scientific information about organ function, nutrient levels, and underlying medical conditions. It can identify factors that may contribute to weight gain or make weight loss more difficult. By detecting nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.

CGM Monitors

A CGM device provides real-time data on blood sugar levels, allowing for a data-driven approach to weight loss. Analyzing this data can help identify which foods and exercises affect glucose control, and inform dietary and exercise decisions. Tracking progress over time with this data can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of weight loss strategies.

Insurance Coverage Support

Navigating the complexities of insurance coverage for expensive weight loss medication can be overwhelming. That's why we offer a comprehensive insurance support service to get you the best coverage as possible for our formulated GLP-1 medication and CGM monitors.


Weight Loss Treatment Options

CGM Device

The Science: A CGM device helps with weight loss by monitoring blood sugar response to different foods and exercises.

Results Real time data that can help optimize glucose control and promote weight loss

Usage Device is worn on upper arm, abdomen, or thigh, and is held in place with an adhesive patch.



The Science: GLP-1 medications reduce cravings, increase feelings of fullness and process sugars more efficiently. Options include Saxenda and Ozempic.

Strength 0.25mg - 2mg or 0.6mg - 3mg

Results 4-12 weeks

Usage Inject once daily or once weekly


The Science: Combines 2 medications which work together on parts of your brain to reduce hunger and control cravings.

Strength 8mg naltrexone/90mg bupropion

Results 4-12 weeks

Usage Take 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night

Custom Supplement Pack

The Science: Combats nausea and nutrient deficiencies from lower caloric intake. Includes Vitamin B6 for nausea relief, Vitamin D for bone and immune health, Omega-3 for cardiovascular and mental well-being, and a Multivitamin for comprehensive nutrient support.

Strength Custom Dose

Results Reduced nausea & nutrient support

Usage Take once daily

*The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.

DifferentiatorsScience & Humans Weight Loss ProgramMarket Weight Loss Program
Instead of 1/3 at 30% lower than the market price
CGM Monitor
Nutrition and lifestyle guidance at no extra cost
Quarterly check in and metabolic blood work


What’s in the Weight Loss Program?



Questionnaire to assess medical need

  • Blood work requisition sent within 24 hours to rule out contraindications
  • Full bio-chemistry, thyroid and testosterone
  • $0 out of pocket for b12 and ferritin testing
  • Clinician determines eligibility for treatment

Appointment Scheduled

Questionnaire reviewed by clinician

  • Treatment plan determined
  • Every 3 months follow-up consult at $150 includes prescription renewal
  • First appointment with dietician free
  • Review of CGM report for a personalized protocol
  • All consults covered under HSA plan

Home Delivery

Quick and hassle free delivery to your doorstep

  • Health Canada authorized medications
  • Expedited shipping through licensed pharmacy partner
  • Direct Billing to insurance
  • Medication cost is additional

How it works

Treatment that comes to you

Finding what works can be hard. Our online process and medical
experts make it simple.

Meet our medical team

The specialists behind our products

Abida Dhukai

Nurse Practitioner

Abida Dhukai has graduated from University of Toronto with over 14 years of experience as a nurse practitioner and clinical scient...

Priya Sebastian

Nurse Practitioner

Priya Sebastian has graduated from Athabasca University and has worked as a nurse practitioner for 6 years. She has over 12 years ...

Lisa Rotz

Nurse Practitioner

Lisa is a primary health care nurse practitioner with special interest in Men’s and Women’s Hormones. She has over 20 years of exp...

Maria Jacob

Nurse Practitioner

Maria Jacob has received her Nurse Practitioner degree from University of Western Ontario. Maria has over 15 years of experience a...

Sridevi Emmadi

Nurse Practitioner

Sridevi Emmadi has received a masters of nursing from University of Western Ontario. Sridevi specializes in primary health care an...

Dr. Adeel Khan

Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. Adeel Khan is an expert in musculoskeletal medicine, pain medicine and regenerative medicine. He specializes in Interventional...

Dr.Muhammad Siddiqui

MD Endocrinologist, USA

Dr. Siddiqui is a specialist physician in Men’s Health, Thyroid & Adrenal disorders, with focus on Hormone deficiency and Health o...

Sheena Jacob

Nurse Practitioner

Sheena Jacob is a nurse practitioner who graduated from The University of Western Ontario in 2008. She holds a Masters in Hospital...

Donna McLean

Nurse Practitioner

Donna McLean RN MN NP PhD, has more than 30 years experience as a Registered Nurse and more than 15 years as a nurse practitioner....

Jessica Saucy

Nurse Practitioner

Jessica Saucy is a board certified Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner with a special interest in hormone health for...

Jodie Foster

Nurse Practitioner

Jodie Foster is a highly skilled primary care family nurse practitioner with extensive clinical expertise. Her current role in a c...

Vanina Walsh

Nurse Practitioner

Vanina Walsh is an experienced Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner with a diverse background across Canada. She specializes in ...

Dr. Fady Hannah Shmouni

Medical Advisor

Fady Hannah-Shmouni, MD ABIM FRCPC is a highly accomplished Iraqi-Canadian physician-investor renowned for his expertise in endocr...

Roselyn Zhang

Registered Dietitian

Roselyn is a seasoned Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Kinesiology and a Bachelor's in health studies. Passionate about holi...

Bonnie Noble

Nurse Practitioner

Bonnie is a highly accomplished medical practitioner with a Master's Degree in Nursing, boasting 20 years of diverse experience ac...


Thousands of people have experienced health transformation

We've been an integral part of helping thousands of humans just like you improve their quality of life. Check out some of their reviews.

Get Started

Francis Major

I recently reached out to OnMen after blood work showed my T was at the low end. I like that OnMen won't prescribe TRT unless they deem it necessary and they will suggest alternative options if you don't qualify.

Joseph Bartek

So grateful to have found this company. A Lot of physicians in Canada still feel it is a waste of time to even look at optimizing testosterone, especially because reference ranges are so diverse.The doctor that OnMen provided was knowledgeable and patient. The best part was she listened to what I had to say instead of just trying to prescribe an antidepressant. Very satisfied, very greatful

Deven MacDonald

Finally a legit TRT clinic in Canada I've had a really good experience with Onmen. The blood test that they do every three months is really superb. The clinicians are well versed in hormone optimization and I've appreciated their services immensely. The prescription comes directly to my door, and it's done wonders for me and my overall quality of life.

NLHRX L- Google

OnMen has been amazing, and has given some of the best customer service I have seen. The technician is very knowledgeable, and they take a very responsible and ethical approach towards trt.They believe in making actual long term improvements, and will not just jack you full of test. They will not prescribe if you don't need it, and will slowly ease you into the treatment protocol if you do.Amazing company!

Shawn Guild

I had been looking for a clinic that treats hormones for men under 40 for 3 years. Getting turned down left right and centre by under educated physicians because of my age (now 31). I finally found ONMEN, I am truthfully so impressed with their team of customer service reps, managers and nurse practitioners. Everyone has been so helpful and eager to answer my MANY many (I’m sure annoying at times) questions.

Langley Jackson

Super easy to do business with. No pushy sales tactics. Incredibly easy to get a hold of as well. The chat window is answered by an actual person. Professional all the way through the process. Can't recommend enough!

Arthur Tutt

5 Stars. Very helpful and attentive. I had a flight coming up for long term travel where I was going to be out of the country for a few months and OnMen was very accommodating to make sure I got scheduled in early for an appointment with enough time before my flight to get the necessary bloodwork done and get the TRT prescription. Easy to work with. Very smooth. Thank you so much!!

Frequently asked questions

The science behind weight loss

Telemedicine doesn’t mean hands-off care. Science&Humans’ unique combination of medication, one-on-one counseling, and expert lifestyle advice will transform your weight-loss journey.

Our clinicians will develop a personalized plan, with regular follow-ups to ensure you’re getting the right medication at a dose that works for you.

GLP1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels and promoting insulin secretion. GLP1 receptor agonists are a class of medications that mimic the effects of GLP1 in the body, leading to improved blood sugar control and weight loss. These medications work by slowing down the digestion process, reducing appetite, and increasing feelings of fullness. They are primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes but have also been approved for weight loss in some cases.

Formulated GLP-1 is semaglutide with vitamin B6. It is a cost effective alternative to commercially available GLP-1s. It is clinically proven to reduce cravings, increase feelings of fullness, and improve your body's ability to process sugars efficiently. Added B6 helps curve feelings of nausea, which is a major side effect of GLP-1s.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) devices are primarily used to monitor blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. However, some people may also use CGM devices to aid in weight loss efforts. CGM devices can help people identify which foods cause spikes in their blood sugar levels. By avoiding these trigger foods, individuals can maintain stable blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, and avoid overeating. CGM devices can also help individuals monitor their caloric intake by tracking their blood glucose levels in relation to their food intake. This can help individuals make more informed decisions about what and how much to eat.

Science&Humans does an in depth blood work panel that tests not only for contraindications, but also for hormones that may affect weight gain.

We offer formulated GLP-1 medication at ⅓ of the cost of traditional brand name medications. This helps you focus on your health without breaking the bank.

There is also the option of using CGM monitors which can help identify which foods trigger high blood sugar levels, which can help you avoid these foods.

Science&Humans conducts follow up blood work and consultations every 3 months, making sure the medication is not affecting you negatively and is doing its job.

Side effects vary from person to person, however, generally include nausea, vomiting, constipation and injection site reaction. More serious side effects include hypoglycemia and possible thyroid tumors. That's why Science&Humans ensures you are safe by conducting blood work every 3 months.

Weight loss with GLP-1 medication is about 15% less body fat. Weight loss with a pill option is about 5%.

Our comprehensive blood panel covers 13 blood markers.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) stimulates your Thyroid into T3 and T4 production.
T3 and T4 control a huge range of bodily processes. Low levels can indicate an issue
Total Testosterone is essential to both men and women, and supports reproductive health and growth
HbA1c measures blood sugar levels
Fasting glucose measures blood sugar levels after overnight fasting
Creatinine levels measures how well your kidneys are working
ALT high levels in your blood could indicate a liver issue
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) can point to liver damage
Complete Blood Count (CBC) gives us an overall picture of your general health.
Ferritin measures the levels of Iron in your blood; a deficit can point to anemia
B12 Helps the development of blood, nerve, and brain cells, measuring the levels can show if there’s a deficiency
Lipid Assessment measures the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood

Health Assessment

Filling in our online health assessment is the first step. Once complete, we’ll send you a referral for the Weight Loss blood work panel.

Getting your sample back to us as soon as possible is vital. We can’t schedule your initial virtual consultation with a Science&Humans clinician until the blood work is complete.

Personalized, individual healthcare plan

Once your blood results have been analyzed, you’ll have an in-depth video consultation with a licensed Science&Humans clinician.

They’ll spend time getting to know you as an individual, explain your results and what they show, and recommend a personalized treatment plan, specific to your needs.


Your personalized medication will ship directly to your door for 3 months through our licensed partner pharmacy. It’s a no-fuss, all-around approach to your healthcare.

Quarterly follow-ups

We’ll conduct follow up appointments every 3 months during your treatment. This system ensures continued, relevant care, tailored specifically to keep your medication working hard for you.

Generally speaking, no, prescription Weight Loss treatment is usually not covered by your insurance. Check with your provider if you’re not sure. However, filling out an insurance form can provide you with coverage. Please send any insurance forms to support@scienceandhumans.com

Your Science&Humans Weight Loss subscription includes a 3-month supply of your prescription treatment, and access to your own specialist clinician, as well as quarterly follow-ups and blood work.

Your prescription will include your individual Weight Loss therapy for either Saxenda, Ozempic or Contrave.

The personalized treatment, including your specific dosage, will be determined by your Science&Humans clinician during your initial virtual consultation.

Weight Loss treatment is prescribed solely at the discretion of the clinician, based on an extensive analysis of your blood results and symptoms.

First-time blood work requisitions are sent within 24 hours of checkout.

Follow-up requisitions are sent 70 days from your last shipment of medication.

Once you’ve qualified as eligible to receive Weight Loss therapy, payment will be deducted for your initial virtual consultation.

Payment for quarterly follow-ups and blood work will be deducted 70 days from the date of your last consultation with our clinicians. This means we can have everything in place for your next set of appointments.

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