
Energizing Morning Routine for a Productive Day - Science & Humans
Energizing Morning Routine for a Productive Day - Science & Humans
Men are encouraged to prioritize their health and create a healthy morning routine with energy levels, exercise, and grooming, as well as TRT and hair loss therapy to help them look and feel their best.
Which Testosterone Cream is Safe for Scrotal Application?
Which Testosterone Cream is Safe for Scrotal Application?
Custom testosterone cream for scrotal application has advantages, such as customized dosage, faster absorption, and convenience, but DHT and PSA levels must be monitored to prevent hair loss and acne. Proper application and precautions are essential.
Exploring the Impact of Temperature: Can Cold or Heat Boost Testosterone Levels?
Exploring the Impact of Temperature: Can Cold or Heat Boost Testosterone Levels?
Cold showers may improve sleep quality, and blood circulation, but cold water stimulation does not increase testosterone levels. Exercise, hot water, and sunlight exposure can boost testosterone. Sunlamps may also help stimulate testosterone synthesis, but wear sensible, breathable clothing.
Water Retention on TRT - What to do?
Water Retention on TRT - What to do?
Water Retention on TRT - What to do?
Adjusting dose, dosage, frequency, even mode of administration from IM to sub-Q is one way to deal with edema or water retention while on TRT.
Scalp Massage for Pattern Baldness: Can It Combat Hair Loss?
Scalp Massage for Pattern Baldness: Can It Combat Hair Loss?
A scalp massage increases blood flow, which feeds the hair follicles with nutrients and oxygen to promote hair growth. Although no unique tools are required, consistency is crucial. According to studies, regular massages lasting at least 4 minutes over the course of 24 weeks promote thicker, longer hair.
How Will A Hair Loss Clinic Help Prevent Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)?
How Will A Hair Loss Clinic Help Prevent Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)?
Hair loss clinics provide prescription pills and topicals to diagnose and prevent male pattern baldness. Early treatment is the best prevention method, while managing stress can also improve hair health.
Understanding the Absence of Morning Erections: Causes and Considerations
Understanding the Absence of Morning Erections: Causes and Considerations
Not waking up with an erection? Don’t panic. As people age, they may naturally notice less nocturnal erections for a variety of reasons. While ED can be explained by a variety of physiological reasons, psychological ED is also easily treatable.
Menopause with bHRT: A Comprehensive Guide
Menopause with bHRT: A Comprehensive Guide
Hot flashes. Brain fog. Night sweats. Exhaustion. Menopause symptoms can be the bane of a woman’s life for over a decade. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to make Menopause that bit easier.
Effects of Topical Finasteride & Minoxidil in Hair Loss treatments
Effects of Topical Finasteride & Minoxidil in Hair Loss treatments
We provide a FDA-approved hair loss treatment for Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) to improve regeneration and stop hair shaft shrinkage. Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of both therapies, and Science and Humans promotes a stress-free strategy for managing hair loss.
Finasteride or Minoxidil or Both: Choosing the Right one for Hair Loss
Finasteride or Minoxidil or Both: Choosing the Right one for Hair Loss
Hair shedding is normal, but excessive shedding may indicate telogen effluvium, caused by stress, illness, or poor nutrition. Hair loss can be genetic or caused by drugs, extreme styling, or illness. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

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